1941 Royal Varsity/Model D
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Here's a rather basic but somewhat historically significant Royal Varsity which was manufactured in 1941. The Varsity model was essentially a Companion without a ribbon color selector. Both machines, especially this one, are rather slimmed down to the bare necessities. This model was probably very cheap back (compared to other typewriters) in the day because of all the features it lacked compared with machines being made during the same period, such as the Quiet Deluxe. As a result of the US entering WWII, production of this model and other Royals ended in 1942, meaning this model was only made for around a year. Not a whole lot of information can be found on the Varsity, but it appears to be a typical "junior" type machine from the end of the depression era.
This typewriter itself is in great shape considering its age. Cosmetically, the crinkle paint has a few flaws (see all pictures) but is not scratched or otherwise damaged significantly. The chrome shines pretty well, and looks great. Everything works perfectly on this typewriter, right down to the bell. Keep in mind that this typewriter does not have a ribbon color selector, so only a single color ribbon can be used. Unfortunately the universal ribbons sold on this site surprisingly do not work with this slimmer portable. As a result, your best bet is to re-thread the original spools. Note that the spools shown in the picture are plastic (they're the universal ribbons) however they are not quite slim enough to not bind on the typebasket cover- as a result I re-threaded the ribbon and re-installed the original metal spools that came in this machine, and they are slim enough to not bind against the cover at all.
This machine wouldn't be my very first choice to write a novel on, but this typewriter does work rather well and is a fun machine to write with. I wouldn't necessarily recommend using this machine extremely heavily, but it can be used frequently to your liking.
This typewriter itself is in great shape considering its age. Cosmetically, the crinkle paint has a few flaws (see all pictures) but is not scratched or otherwise damaged significantly. The chrome shines pretty well, and looks great. Everything works perfectly on this typewriter, right down to the bell. Keep in mind that this typewriter does not have a ribbon color selector, so only a single color ribbon can be used. Unfortunately the universal ribbons sold on this site surprisingly do not work with this slimmer portable. As a result, your best bet is to re-thread the original spools. Note that the spools shown in the picture are plastic (they're the universal ribbons) however they are not quite slim enough to not bind on the typebasket cover- as a result I re-threaded the ribbon and re-installed the original metal spools that came in this machine, and they are slim enough to not bind against the cover at all.
This machine wouldn't be my very first choice to write a novel on, but this typewriter does work rather well and is a fun machine to write with. I wouldn't necessarily recommend using this machine extremely heavily, but it can be used frequently to your liking.
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